Ina Invest AG

News Detail

EQS-News News vom 23.10.2020

Foundation stone laid for the fully let Elefant building in the Lokstadt

EQS Group-News: Ina Invest Holding AG / Key word(s): Real Estate
23.10.2020 / 16:45

Today, the foundation stone was laid for the Elefant building in the Lokstadt. Winterthur's first 2000-watt site is continuing to take shape with the Elefant building and the other residential developments already under construction - Tender and BigBoy. The Lokstadt has started to come alive with the arrival of the first Crocodile inhabitants.

Winterthur, 23 October 2020 - The laying of the foundation stone for the new Elefant building in the Lokstadt district of Winterthur was quietly celebrated today in the presence of Michael Künzle, Mayor of Winterthur, and Reto Dahinden, CEO of SWICA. "The Elefant is a flagship project in terms of sustainability. The building has been designed as a pure wooden construction that saves grey energy, is CO2 friendly and highly efficient in terms of consumption and costs," says Adrian Wyss, Head Division Development at Implenia, the company responsible for site development and implementation. The Minergie-certified Elefant building had already been fully let to SWICA before construction began.

Construction has already started on the residential developments Tender and BigBoy. By 2023, top-class condominium apartments will be created over ten storeys in the Tender complex which will also feature a commercial unit on the ground floor. More than 60% of the apartments are already reserved. Meanwhile, the new district is beginning to fill with life: the first apartments in the Crocodile have been handed over and the very first Lokstadt pioneers have now moved in.

The Lokstadt is an ideal example of how Implenia and Ina Invest are assuming their responsibility. In terms of their design and the materials they use, the mixed-use buildings are to emit around 11% less greenhouse gases than the Swiss average, rising to as much as 90% during operation. "The Lokstadt exemplifies the strategy of Ina Invest. The site is a beacon for needs-based future planning that focuses on people - sustainable, hybrid and urban," says Marc Pointet, CEO of Ina Invest.


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T +41 44 552 97 27

Ina Invest is a new Swiss real estate company created from the spin-off of half of Implenia's development portfolio. Ina Invest is developing this initial set of projects in order to build up a portfolio of profitable properties, while continuing to make acquisitions to secure future growth. The properties have a varied usage profile, with a primary focus on residential developments, and are in very good locations all over Switzerland. Ina Invest plans to continue investing in and growing its portfolio. Thanks to its transparent collaboration with Implenia, Ina Invest benefits from the expertise of Switzerland's leading construction services provider. In the development and management of its portfolio, Ina Invest maintains the highest sustainability standards by taking a holistic view of the entire value chain and integrating sustainability across all phases. The company is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange (INA, CH0524026959). More information can be found at


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